Thinking Cap of Knowledge


The teacher I interviewed defined his students objectively, and as I have read the answers, his learners are under the Cognitive Learning Theory and Discourse Theory. As we define the theories, the Cognitive Learning Theory is that children do not acquire knowledge by sheer imitation and through a form of conditioning based on reinforcement and reward, and the Discourse Theory is that communication is the key to learning. The students of the teacher I interviewed are using visuals to learners, they learn best through seeing diagrams, illustrations and other instructional materials. Using this kind of thing can really work because his students are in the Grade 2 level. He also stated that he encounter common problems like students who doesn’t know how to read, and some point he is becoming a Behaviorist to let the students know what they are reading. Guided Discovery is one of the most effective method/approach he use in teaching, because his students are intrinsically motivated since they are conscious that they are the ones who discover things for themselves (real joy and happiness for students). Expository, lecture methods were the ineffective ones, knowing the students learning style. They easily got bored when they only listen. They don’t want to be fed up. They want to engage in the teaching learning process, he stated last on his approaches/strategies/methods have you proven effective in your class and what are the ineffective ones. “Providing the learners with activities such as drills in reading and afterwards giving selections to be read and comprehend. These activities are basic to his/her becoming functionally literate person-one who can cope with the demands of the ever changing world” he explained on his philosophy “Teaching as providing the learner with the basic tools of learning.” He is much concerned on how his students learn, provided the materials and the literacy and the adjustment of the teacher, students will learn properly as what they have learned. #





Getting the Hang of Discourse Theory

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